The Project

Blue Earth Village(BEV) is an evolving educational and community hub on the beautiful Amed coast of East Bali. BEV is a labor of love created with the patient efforts of a group of locals and long term residents, with the support of their extended freediving and yoga community.

More Information

Contact us if you have any further questions.

Blue Earth Vision

Blue Earth village; a space for connecting with others to develop and share transformative practices and knowledge related to the evolving human experience in the 21st century.

Guiding Ethos on the Build

We believe in the vulnerability of our planet and the ecosystem upon which we depend for our survival. The project of Blue Earth Village reflects this belief, given that most of the materials used for the construction are either sustainable (bamboo, mudsacks) or recycled (containers, barrels, recycled wood, second hand chairs and fans, etc.). Further-more we use a waste-water garden to filter black-water through plant beds.

As our project grows we hope to start an organic garden based on permaculture principles and host a variety of workshops on sustainable / eco-friendly building and gardening techniques.


At the moment we have 2 beautiful classroom spaces, a magnificent yoga sala, a beautiful restaurant and café. We are still building Bali’s first freediving pool (out of shipping containers) and our first accommodations.

Future facilities will include Flotation tanks, Watsu pool, Herbal Steam rooms, ice baths and a cookery school.

The Restaurant

The evolving menu is an eclectic offering of international dishes and local favorites. We don’t use MSG or palm oil, wash all ingredients in drinking water, and wherever possible use only organic produce. Our coconut milk is made onsite from fresh coconuts.

Though we do serve fish and meats, our long term goal is to create the most diverse vegetarian and vegan menu in East Bali.

We are very grateful to have some of the best views of Gunung Agung from our restaurant and we have done our best to maximize these views without affecting the natural beauty of the land. The building is a mix of shipping containers, Bamboo and recycled objects with an aesthetic that is somewhere between 21st century Robinson Crusoe and the Ewok village from Star wars.

The seating in the restaurant is spread out over an eclectic mix of spaces, from intimate garden cubbies, to cushioned bamboo decking and huge wooden round tables.

Yoga Sala

Blue Earth village; a space for connecting with others to develop and share transformative practices and knowledge related to the evolving human experience in the 21st century.

Guiding Ethos on the Build

As an educational hosting space there are three guiding themes;

– The healing power of nature.

– The mind/body connection.

– Water and humanity’s aquatic nature.

Though a place of healing, our aim is not to create a centre of pampering and retreat from the world. Our primary drive is education and a spirit of solidarity, to this end we shall also host Ted X talks and other global community events.

The Freediving Pool

As part of our focus on aquatic development we have freedive pool. It will be 25 metres long, 2.3 metres deep and make out of upcycled shipping containers and recycled Ulin wood. It has a special place of honor on the land, with incredible views, showers and pretty changing rooms.

The Rooms

The accommodation is built with a combination of recycled materials and natural building techniques such as Earthsack ‘super adobe’. With this sustainable technique the walls are very thick, hence insulating against heat and noise, with upstairs decking for chilling out or practicing yoga.

The Spa

As the name Blue Earth suggests our approach leans heavily on the power of water and nature. Taken from the latin phrase “Sanum Per Aquam” (health through water) the term SPA actually describes our approach very well.

We will have therapeutic massage and future facilities will include Flotation tanks, a Watsu pool, Herbal Steam rooms and ice baths.


Above Jemeluk Bay on the beautiful Amed coast of East Bali, we’re just before sunset point on the right. This part of Bali still preserves it’s natural rhythms. It’s a area of great natural beauty, both above and below the water. Come and see why many travelers consider it their favorite spot in Bali, an island of many incredible places.


Hours: 12:00 - 22:00



Good Food • Views • Sunsets • Quiz/Games Nights

Breathtaking Shala for Yoga, Meditation & Workshops

Amed, Bali

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